Tuesday, April 05, 2011

15km out and back - monaco

Its COLD......well its cold to me. We had a pretty good storm go through-with thunder and lightening and so it brought with it our first really brisk and chilly morning. It was raining pretty steady all morning and was cold. At work I have a small wee office and I was frozen. I even got the wee blow heater out and cranked that up. By lunch time it had stopped raining but I still had NO feeling in my hands and the tips of my fingers were blue!!!! But as I start to have a wee complain at my first cold day I think of my mate Tammy and her heading out into snow!!!! I quickly shut up.

I came home and got changed. Rain or not I was going out......thankfully the rain did stop but I still choose to wear along sleeve top. As I started out it was in the shadow of the hill and the shock of breathing in cold air had me coughing. By 3km I was finally starting to warm up, my fingers were getting some feeling back and my toes didnt feel so frozen. It didnt take long till the sun started to shine again and it got much warmer. It sort of went from 10 degs to 14 degs.

After the treadmill yesterday I decided to do some foot P/T exercises to try and get some more movement into my feet. There is so much scar tissue at the base of my toes that I really just dont know if it will ever get movement. I didnt do too much......just a couple of toe lifts and then sitting on my toes. My foot felt great last night and today at work but during the walk, it started to hurt. It got more and more painful as I went on. I was trying to leave my left foot behind me for longer, but that ended up aggravating my foot. So about the 12 km I gave up and just walked. Focusing on my hips and getting them moving. I ended up just power walking up Beatsons Road as I was tired and my foot was quite sore.

It was a good walk and a lesson to me to harden up alittle....that it is going to get much colder and I will still have to get out and walk.

total time for today was 1:33:57 (avg pace of 6:15 and avg h/r 139)

15km out and back - monaco


Tammy said...

Yeah, I admit I'm laughing a little that you thought 8-10C was cold :). But when you're not used to it, I imagine it really does feel cold, and I feel your pain.

On the other hand, you had a VERY nice walk. That's a really good time esp w/that heart rate. You are in great shape!!! Yay!

I hope your foot starts to feel a bit better. Don't push the PT too hard. Just enough to loosen things up a bit.

Anthony said...

I don't know what the world's coming to when Nelson people think they're cold........

As always, though, good descriptions. Made me shiver.