Wednesday, September 28, 2011

3km, 2km and 3 x 1km

Off to the track I go. Armed with new found confidence!

Coach wanted me to do 85% but once I started out it felt more like 95% and I just couldn't slow it down once I started. So I went with it. It was MEGA windy at the track. Nelson forecast said winds of 35km but some of the gusts really knocked me around on the track.

I felt slow but I was expecting that so just put that behind me and pushed on. I know it wont take long to get the natural roll off my foot again and my times will pick up. Plus if there had been no wind i would have been a good 5 - 8 secs faster per lap.

today it was 3km, 2km and 3 x 1km

5:39 = 17:00 for 3km

5:49 = 11:31 for 2km


its a good starting point again.

3km, 2km and 3 x 1km

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