Picture perfect blenheim day. Not a cloud in the sky nor a breath of wind....and we are up at 8am getting ready to enter a half marathon.

I had brought a GPS to use and so we decided to head to the river and set it up while we waited until it was time to start. Of course we had our "babies" with us Casey and Trixie our dogs. Well you wouldnt pick it but this was to be the day that Casey just had to go off and find the deadest and smelliest thing to roll in. She stunk the car out so badly. hahaha So shane had to head down to the river and wash her while I raced and then he had to contend with wet smelly dog for the rest of the day.
We lined up at 9am for the walkers. The main contenders were Sharon (my coach) and Richard (winner of St Clairs) the three of us headed out together but Sharon burst away quickly so I stuck with Richard for the first quater but he was much fitter than me and slowly pulled away.

Here I am at the 5km mark checking my GPS to see how far I had gone and what my pace was. It was this feature that helped me to keep a steady pace the whole way...I must admit that the step hill at the 10km mark absolutley wiped me out. Even in the read out on the GPS it clearly shows I slowed down after that.
I could still see Richard and Sharon some distance ahead of me until the 15km mark and then they had a race between them with them swapping lead many times.
With Richard taking the win in the end and sharon very close behind him. I finished the 21km 3rd and in 2 hours 32 mins. I am thrilled with that time and it shows me that I have gotten quicker, unfortunatly I pushed myself a little too hard and over extended my right knee and am now off for at least a month to let the little muscle in the back of the knee heal. But at least it will heal.
Next race - Spring Duathlon at Rabbit Island, then training for the Waimea Half Marathon Oct 27th.