Today I entered the 90 km road race from Lakes to Renwick.
I was meant to have entered with my girlfriend Jo, but she was unable to make it.
It was so daunting when I started out. There were 60 riders in my group and I suddenly felt very out of my depth.
Whoever said it was all down hill to renwick has never riden it!!!!!! There were some long gentle climbs that did catch you out but most of it was flat or slightly downhill.
At times I riding at 45km and had an average speed of 30 km but when the racing pack of riders past me, I had to check my speed as they left me in their wake. Man they were fast. They finished in 1 hour 40min...a record I am told.
At the 65km mark my back was hurting and my butt had lost all feeling and there were fleeting moments that I really wanted to pull up when I saw shane next and quit. But in those moments I also reminded myself why I was doing this and pushed on.
I think the worst part of the whole trip was the last 10km, that has to be the longest straight ever!!!!! The wind had changed direction and was more front on until you rounded that last corner and head down into Renwick. I looked up and it just went on forever. But at long last the Broadbridge stock yards came into view and the finish. I finished the whole thing in 2 hours 42 mins.

And here I am, I have just gone through the finish and am returning to shane at the car. See still smiling!!!
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