My coached decided that after my fantastic results he really should be there on Sunday to help cheer me on and encourage me for another PB. He arrived at the motel unit 10pm Saturday night and we discussed tactics etc. My time I was aiming for was 2hours 2mins (but he did calculate that with my 28sec pb it worked out to be a 3min pb over the 20km)
I set my alarm for 4am so that I could get up and grab a piece of toast and then head back to bed for a couple more hours of sleep. 6.30am and my alarm goes off and I sneek out of the room (I was sharing with other girls who were competing that day too) I got dressed and my coach picked me up and we headed off to find the venue. I was guttered to see it was raining and really hoped it would clear soon. Thankfully it did by the time we got to the Bottle Forest.
The course was a 1 km out and back on a sealed forest road. Had a bad camber half way along on one of the bends and a really tight turn at the end. But all in all it was an ok course. The only disappointment of the whole event was .... NO toilet. They said there would be a porta loo but it didn't turn up and the only toilets were 600m away and a pain to get too.

We all lined up at the start and the starter explained the race rules and then just like that .. we are off. Kate started out with an explosive pace with Rosie hard on her heel. (Kate was hoping to qualify for the Commonwealth today) I decided to stick to our plan and race my own race. My first 5km was 29:05 and then my 10km time was 59:19....I was much faster than we had planned for. I was going great and then I hit my wall.....on the 15 & 16 leg went due to the camber and I really struggled to keep my style going. I had one mark on the board now and thankfully my coach said all the right things and got me focused again. It was on the 17th km that I realised I had gained on Alana and started chasing her...each km brought be closer and closer. Before I knew it I was on my last Km and I realised I was heading for a 2hour time and was kicking myself for losing ground earlier. But I pushed hard and headed for home crossing the line in 2 hours....and 8 seconds.

I had just done a 3min 12 sec PB in just 3 months!!!! and it was just as my coach had predicted. I am just so excited and what an awesome end to the season.
Next weekend is Easter Weekend and I will head back to Christchurch for the NZ Masters and hopefully defend my two titles and win golds.