My coach and I traveled down to Christchurch on Friday morning. It was a 5 hour drive and very uneventful. Easter traffic was out with vengeance and we opted for the get there in one piece speed.
We arrived into Christchurch at 2pm and went direct to the camping ground we were staying at. Got our cabin and unpacked. Our first race was at 4.30pm so we zipped off to the track with 40mins to warm up. I was feeling a little nervous as I really wanted to post a good time again and prove that the weekend before track time was not a fluke. Plus my coach had said to me to not be disappointed if my times were down but to remember that I had just done a hard 20km only 4 days ago...
We all lined up at the start (for masters events they put both men and women out together in all the age groups) The gun went off and I was thrilled to see a male walker zip off out to the front, so I sat in behind him. He slowly pulled away from me so I settled into my pace and tried to stay consistent per lap. As I rounded the 7th lap I calculated that I was a little off pace so I picked it up for the last 200 meters. I finished in a time of 16:34 only 2 seconds off last weeks time. I was thrilled. My body had felt so tired and heavy and I was sure I was way off my time. I was first female, 2nd overall and first in my age group winning me the Gold for this race.
The cool thing was to finish and then watch my coach finish and win a gold also for being first in his age group.
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