This is the treadmill that we ended up buying. Its the Nordic T12 and its a huge beast of a machine. It is much longer and has a bigger motor, so it can handle long periods on it. We needed a longer belt as I am just under 6 foot and my husband is 6 foot 4...so with our long strides when running we tend to hit the front and the drop off at the back. But this belt is 150cm so there is NO chance of that happening.
The first day of getting it set up I was so excited to have a work out. I decided I would do 5km and seeing as my pace for an out door work out was at 6:09 min/km I figured I would easily be able to do that on the treadmill. I was very soon to discover that it was not actually that easy. I first noticed that I felt like I was walking much faster than I do but the speed was set quite slow....took me about 10mins to be brave enough to crank it up to 10km per hour (6min/km pace) all in all I did my 5km and took 31:04 mins but I was totally had it. My legs felt like jelly!! I figured that.....when you walk "out doors" your pace fluctuates constantly and yes you might walk 1 km in 6 mins but you probably did it in small surges. So when on a treadmill there are no rests and surges....its that pace constantly.
So it has been decided that I am to alternate my treadmill walks and out door walks, just so that I dont become to accustomed to the treadmill.
The next day I went out for an out door walk and by the time I had gone 4km from home my archiles and lower calf on my right leg were hurting .. so I turned around and slowly made my way home. So Monday was my rest day and was spent with leg up and ice. Its now Weds and its still aching. I am hoping to try a very slow treadmill walk Thursday night.