I woke Sunday feeling really good, tried not to think about the race too much and went out for the morning to see a couple of sights. I must have planned and re-planned my race strategy 100 times. About 1pm I went to the track and lay on the grass listening to my ipod and watching some of the women's races. I was so amped and ready to met Fiona again. A couple of the guys turned up and helped me with my warm up and stretch's. I had brought a tee shirt so I could get signatures on it, so one of the guys grabbed it and shot off to get the women who had finished to sign it.
One of the most awesome things of the day was that my aunty from NZ was in Sydney at the same time and had found her way to the track and was there to watch me race for the first time. I was so excited and very nervous....I really wanted to win now.
They had grouped two age groups together again 35-39 and 40-44. We were all called to the call room and it was here that I found out Fiona had pulled out. She had not recovered from our 10km and was ill. I was really disappointed with this news. But any one of the ladies could still take it out.
We lined up and I got the outside lane. My one and only game plan.....let the rabbits bolt and then I would chase them down. Sure enough, 3 went out (1 in my age group)but surprisingly I caught them up with in the first lap and passed them on the back straight to take the lead of both groups. One of the 35-39 group stayed on my heels, but it didn't bug me and I just kept at a steady pace and slowly pulled away from her. By lap 6 she was 10mt behind me and by lap 10 she was 30mts behind. The water station was set up on lane 5 and the guy would not step in to pass you the drink so it you wanted one you had to cross three lanes to reach it and there was a judge right beside him. Two girls were warned as I passed by. I finally succumbed to the need for water so choose a time when I had to lap a slower walker.
Rounding the end curve and hearing my aunty and her friends calling out really kept me going, but the most amazing thing was by lap 10 it felt and sounded like everyone was calling my name or go NZ go.....it was the most amazing feeling.
I had been watching the clock and trying to work out in my head if I was on target or not but ended up giving that up...(maths not being my strongest subject anymore??) and focused on my breathing. The bell sounded (man what a sweet sound) and I started to push and pick up the pace...I counted my steps till I heard the bell ring again for the next walker (105 steps) I just had to complete the last lap - get past all the judges and I had won my gold. I came round the last bend and into the next lane for finishing and noise felt deafening. I picked up the pace and went for it, eyeing the Chief Judge in the last 100mt. Crossing the line in 28.28 (well thats what the clock said, still waiting for results to put on line)
Then it was wait for the race to finish and the judges to confer and then it was announced I had won my GOLD!!!!!
So below is the finalists in the 40-44 Women 5000m track walk 2009
Thanks to all my sponsors. Now to keep them on side and hit them up for Sacramento 2011!!!!!

Bravo!!! Good one Nyle, see you didn't need luck, your just so fast. Congratulations. Lovely medals.
WOW! 28:28 is faster than my PB by about 10 sec or something. We are going to have a good race in Sacramento in 2011 (it's in 2011 not 2012).
I'm thrilled for you that you got your GOLD. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That would be me ... I asked David and James to chant with me. GO NYLE GO!!! Lol I can be so noisey sometimes ... but if anyone ever want support .... I am good to have around. hehehe
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