Saturday, March 29, 2014

10km walk - slow but steady

I was meant to have an ultra sound scan on my Hip and Glute but when I got to the appointment on Friday...the girl had mucked it up and given me the wrong time.  So its been changed to Weds 8am.  I think they will find either Piriformus syndrom or scar tissue on my sciatic nerve.

So last night Jim suggested I sit on a hot wheat bag to see if the head will release the nerve.  The test was going to be how I would feel today.

I got up and headed out for my 10km walk as planned.  I felt a little stiff and sore in my lower back but nothing bad like I had earlier.  My TFL on the other hand stung alot.  I had decided that if it didnt settle after a couple of km I would call it quits.  But it stayed the same for the whole walk.  Didnt get worse or better....just an ache.  No piriformus pain which is great.  

Total time for the walk was 1:02:41 an avg pace of 6:16

An hour later as I have cooled down.  My piriformus is still ok but my tfl is NOT  happy.  Hope they will see something in the scan and give me some answers.

10 km data

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