Man WHAT a day sunday was!!!! totally awesome but totally exhausting.
1st Event - Weetbix Kids Triathlon
Up at 5am - went and picked up my friend who was helping me and then headed to tahuna park where we met up with the rest of my team. 10 of us in total - we registered and put on our bright red shirts and started setting up the course...............well with most of us caffine deprived -what a hoot it was. Trying to set up cones in straight lines (yeah right) it looked like we had all been out on the booze!!!!!!!!!!! talk about bent and wobbly lines lol....then we had collapsable cones to pop up ... all the guys ones sagged in the middle and looked like they really needed viagra to stay up about every kid stands legs each side of these cones and make like a fire hose....lmao)
Well when the gun went off 1300+ screaming kids desended onto us in waves of age groups.........We were in charge of the run section so we were last on the list. First the kids had 100m sea swim, then a 8km bike ride and last a 1.5 run. Our job was to make sure the kids stayed on course and followed our route correctly so we directed then in the right directions.. and cheered and clapped and cheered some it was a blast. I had a great spot as I stood on the corner so I cheered the kids as the went round and back down the path and again when they went past me again to the finish which was only 200m from me. Raylene got the spot 50m from the finish and loved watching the kids give it their all to finish. To see the looks on the kids faces when you tell them they are doing great is just priceless..................there were many parents that we all could have SHOT but we wont start on that one!!! grrrrr
Then it was fly home grab pippin, put her into the cage, shower and race away to pick up kayne. Pippin was not enjoying her ride one little bit and did her best to tell the world she had been kidnapped!!! She got her revenge though............half way across the Whangamoa's and kayne suddenly goes OMFG you have to stop....stop the he is frantically winding down the window...gagging........I said to him are you sick whats wrong .............and then it hit me..............SH&T........yuck yuck yuck.........poor pippin had gone in teh cage and then sat in it as I came to a screaming halt. Now what to do???????????? lucky I had the towel over her so I picked her up and wrapped her in that....Kayne took her blanket out of cage but it was unsalvagable so we threw it away.....returned her to cage and she was a happy camper the rest of the way. Sighs.............Got to Julies place and quickly gave pippin a bath. Poor pippin sat there totally bewildered....and then managed to get away from me and wedge her self between the bath and the cabnet.....I managed to inch her out and put her into the other carry bag and then she was taken off to picton.....(not a sound out of her the whole way) Julie says that the wee autistic boy had been waiting all morning for her. When they let her out of the cage she hid behind the fire place and so she got her out after a little bit and put her on the dirt box but she ran back to hide again. She said they kids loved how fluffy she was and assures me she will have the best home there.
2nd Event - Grandma's 90th Birthday Party
Then Kayne an I headed to Grandmas party................. My Grandmother is the Matriarch of our family. She is the most important person to all of us....and something each of her grandchildren has instilled on their children. It was lovely to catch up with everyone as it is not often enough that all the cousins get together as well as aunts and uncles. I honestly think we should have a special day in Summer and head to Whites Bay for a Family Day. Man that would be so cool. Katie may was such a good wee girl and to the delight of everyone when the guy sang over the rainbow - Katie-may and I did the sign language to it....I didnt realise anyone was watching. lol We also thought to update our 5 generation photo too.

Everyone was starting to pack up and head for home. So we decided we best head off before it got dark and busy on the roads. So we shot back home. Going through the rai saddle and down into the valley kayne noticed a car flash its lights and said ...must be a cop around.........but a few moments later we both noted that there was a really long long line of cars...and both figured that perhaps there was an accident somewhere....... sure enough we come round the corner and see a couple of fire men with the ACCIDENT sign and waving for cars to slow down. We joined in with the long row of cars slowly snaking along the road....took about 6 km till we came to the scene. had missed a simple bend and plouded straight into the concret power pole snapping it at the base and putting the wires down across the road. When we went past they had a power company ute parked over the wires with each of the wires under the tyres....(i guess stopping other cars getting tangled up in them) the car was a mess!!!!! No sooner had we passed that one that I noticed the cars had all banked up we headed up the Whangamoas to Nelson side.......I thought there may have been another accident .... but nope............just 4 inchs of HAIL!!!! Kayne thought it had snowed. So took about 2 and half hours to get home.....I was stuffed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!