Friday, March 11, 2011

5km atawhai

I swapped my training days around and have now really got myself all mixed up. I was meant to do 8km Today but I swapped it to Thursday but my day ended up getting all mixed up and I literally ran out of time. I was in a meeting that instead of being 30mins was 90 was also my first night at work so I had to be getting ready for work by 4pm...which didnt leave me very long to train. So I figured if I went out and did a quick 5km that would be better than not doing a walk at all. I now realise that I could have x-trained yesterday and done the 8km today. DOH!

My first night at work was great. It didnt take me long to get back into the swing of it all. I didnt take any orders but I was taking meals out and seating people. We had the Crusaders Rugby team in house so it was my job to see they were seated and happy. Then it was back to clearing the tables and resetting them all. I finally finished up at 11pm ....... wow that was a longer night than I expected. My feet hurt, my knees hurt and my back hurts....but it was a fun night and it went past really quick. I think I will be wearing different shoes tonight though.

So here is my data from my shortened walk.  Total time was 28:57

5km atawhai

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