Monday, April 04, 2011

10km Treadmill

today I was to do 10km with 2 x 10min burst of race pace but...........when I got home from work the weather set in.  It was pouring and very gusty.  I got changed and opened up the front door to have rain get blown into the lounge.....I struggled to shut the door turned to hubby and we both said "treadmill"

Ugh.....10km on the treadmill was not my "ideal" but it beats getting totally soaked and blown around.

Just as I had started my walk I suddenly thought I should start up my GPS as it can still read my heart rate and I can click off the kms.  So I called out to hubby and he got it going for me but this was about 7mins after I had started.  So as in photo below, I did 10km in 59:16 and I have noted my kms as per my watch below.  Avg heart rate was 151

This was harder than I thought it was going to be.  I quickly worked out the 10.5km worked out to 5.44 per km so for my 10min bursts I set the treadmill speed to that and for the rest I had it on 10km.

1 - 6.20
2 - 6.10
3 - 5.44
4 - 5.44
5 - 5.54
6 - 6.00
7 - 6.00
8 - 5.44
9 - 5.53
10 - 6.06


Tammy said...

very nice fast workout. almost my PR and just in a training walk. you are my hero :)!

Nyle said...

lol on a tread mil its almost just set the pace and hang on for grim death!!

Trust me the 2 kms that I was doing at 10.5km/hr were hurting!! but its an even pace uneven ground or wind or rain.....or kids, bikes, dogs.......hmmmm maybe the treadmil is not so bad! lol