Sunday, January 23, 2011

15km Around the Port

A nice recovery walk. It is an overcast day today and a little gusty at times. I decided that I would walk around the Port today. The footpaths are not the greatest and the camber is abit off but seeing as I was not to stick to any pace - just enjoy. I picked this as it has nice views over the sea.

My legs felt abit sore and sluggish...which is to be expected, but I ticked along happily at 6:20 - 6:30 pace which suited me just fine. I am still buzzing from my time yesterday, that totally took me by surprise and now proves to me that I can do it.

By going out this way it puts you in the public eye alot more as you are visible around the main roads, so it means alot more tooting and name calling....laughing and pointing, but I am learning to ignore that now. The only time today I felt odd was walking along the atawahi walkway and a drunk guy started waving, laughing and then abusing me, I had to walk past him and then turn back and come back past him....when I came back past him he got up off the bank he was sitting on and came running/staggering towards me hurling abuse at I ran for the next 300m till I got within other people.

So I am pleased to be home and to have a rest day tomorrow. Time for this nice slow wander was 1:37:42

15km Around the Port

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