Wednesday, January 19, 2011

15km out and back - railway reserve

I mixed up my training program this week. For some stupid reason I thought yesterday was a x-train day and so spent the day watching movies with my son and my grand-daughter. I had every intention to do a gym work out for my x-training, but when checking my face-book my coach very kindly reminded me that I was meant to have done 15km. So I had to do it this morning to get back on track again.

The morning didn't start out well....I slept in. When I woke up at 9.30am, I shot out of bed - got changed - had a quick drink of water and was out the door. I was still half asleep and the body was still waking up too. First thing I noticed was the wind. No rain....but strong gusty wind. So I kicked my self again for not going out yesterday as I would rather walk in the rain than in wind. My first 7.5km was all into a gusty head wind and then when I turned to come home the wind turned a little so I had a side wind the way home. (which did not help my mood any either) I was also meant to do 2 bursts of race pace - I did try but my legs were empty today. The 10km and the 12km were my bursts...very short lived. I am guessing that no breakfast, not waking up properly all factored into this being a crappy walk. My heart rate was low and my breathing was fine, I just had NO energy and the further I walked the more grumpy I became at my self. I am sure I had a wee storm cloud above my head zapping lightening bolts everywhere by the time I got home. So my slow 15km time was 1:36:58..................I better get it together as I only have three more weeks.

15km out and back - railway reserve

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