Monday, May 16, 2011

6km out and back Atawahi - ouch

Today was my 12km fartlek day.  But I woke up with a sore neck and a very stiff back.  So back to the chiropractor.   I rang and got an appointment today so that meant juggling my walks.  So I swapped my 10km for my 12km fartlek.

The only problem with this is that by the time I got home from work my back was really sore.  So I figured I would try to do 10km but if it was too bad I would turn back.

I started out and after 100m I felt pace picked up and I was thinking....this is going to be ok.  I got to the 2.5 km mark and thought that I can keep going and try for the 10km, but not much further on I felt the first ping in my back by the time I reached 3km it was hurting.  I had sharp pains centre back and down  my legs.  So I turned back and eased up on the pace.

So total time for 6km was 35:30...which in its self is a good time.....just it hurt.  I am hoping the chiro will fix me again.

data link - garmin site is not posting to blogger at the moment.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

oh, sorry about your back :( :( :(
sorry i missed you on FB, too - didn't hear it notify me of the chat. hope your chiro visit fixes you up well!